Unblocking your 7 chakras allows the vital energy to flow freely throughout the body. Their balance brings about physical and mental well-being. When they are overactive or blocked, it leads to health issues and affects the emotional state. If the blockage is significant, it can cause certain diseases. Knowing the chakras and their roles and being able to identify imbalances is key to maintaining good health. For more information, follow this guide.

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

The chakra originates from ancient India, around 2000 BCE. For Hindus, a chakra is an energy center. The chakras are energetic points that allow life force, or Prana, to circulate through the body. This specific energy is fundamental for the physical and spiritual senses of human beings. To know if the chakras are open, one simply needs to feel physical and mental stability. Among the 88,000 chakras identified in ancient traditions, only 7 have significant effects on the body and spirit. These are the 7 main chakras. Each of these chakras has its own meaning and a well-defined role. It is important to know them before unblocking your 7 chakras.

1. The Root Chakra or Muladhara

The root chakra is located at the perineum and corresponds to the color red. It is closely linked to survival. It addresses all primary needs: financial stability, security, family, etc. When the Muladhara chakra is balanced, it brings a sense of inner peace and material stability.

2. The Sacral Chakra or Svadhistana

The sacral chakra is found in the abdomen and corresponds to the color orange. It is an energy center that allows the body and mind to enjoy the pleasures of life. It is based on feeling: passion, pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality. When the second chakra is balanced, it gives the ability to fully enjoy pleasures and happiness. The sacral chakra enables a person to make the right choices.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

This third chakra is located below the chest and corresponds to the color yellow. It is related to courage, willpower in all its aspects, and self-confidence. It is balanced when you have the courage to undertake and make decisions.

4. The Heart Chakra or Anahata

The fourth chakra is located from under the throat to the sternum and symbolized by the color green. It is associated with love for oneself and love for others. When the heart chakra is balanced, it enables kindness and generosity. It also helps maintain a positive mindset to face difficulties.

5. The Throat Chakra or Vishudda

The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is represented by the color blue. It is linked to the expression of ideas and feelings. When the Vishudda is balanced, it allows for easy expression. It also gives the ability to understand others better and to be more sincere.

6. The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

The Ajna chakra is represented by the color indigo and is located between the eyebrows. It is often associated with extrasensory perception, intuition, and psychic energy. When the sixth chakra is balanced, it allows a person to have a clearer vision of the world. It also helps to see the good in all situations.

7. The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head and represented by the color white or violet. It represents the energy of consciousness, the energy that allows a person to stand firm on the Earth. When the crown chakra is balanced, it prevents a person from harboring prejudices. It also allows for harmonious relationships with everyone.

Chakras: How to Identify Our Blockages?

To take care of yourself, it is important to know how to detect the symptoms of imbalance in each of the 7 chakras. This is how it is possible to unblock your 7 chakras. Specifically, for the root chakra, its blockage manifests through various physical signs. This includes digestive problems, back pain, abnormal fatigue, and circulatory disorders. There can also be emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression and a lack of self-confidence.

When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, a person is more prone to skin diseases and urinary disorders. A blocked second chakra also promotes feelings of fear, anxiety, jealousy, obsession, and high self-demands.

To identify the imbalance of the solar plexus chakra, look for symptoms like gastric problems and nervous diseases. The person may also experience mood disorders, weight issues, lack of self-confidence, etc.

If a person suffers from respiratory problems, it may indicate that their heart chakra is blocked. This blockage also manifests through other signs such as difficulties in maintaining social relationships, insensitivity to external events, etc.

When the throat chakra is blocked, the person may suffer from various throat diseases. They may also have difficulty speaking and expressing their emotions.

As for the third eye chakra, it is blocked when a person suffers from brain diseases. It can also be vision problems and frequent migraines. Furthermore, they may experience concentration difficulties, feelings of sadness, the inability to let go, etc.

Finally, when the crown chakra is imbalanced, it can cause chronic diseases or cancers. Moreover, its blockage promotes a lack of will to discover new things and loss of hope.

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